The One with the Fireworks!
3rd November 2021, the one with the Fireworks
Remember, remember the third of November, as a Toastmasters meeting where we all embraced the theme, ‘fireworks’, including our guests and visitors. We didn’t terrify any pets, or keep small children awake with our meeting, you will be pleased to know.
The wonderful meeting chairing, by our Toastmaster extraordinaire, Venice, helped us all embrace the theme and make us all into sparklers!!!
We had two auspicious guests, with Liz who kindly took on the general evaluator role, giving us a masterclass in how we evaluate a meeting. Our other guest, Elizabeth took us through our place within the Toastmasters organisation, which made me feel proud to be part of such a large and successful organisation.
Our Grammarian was the fantastic Judith, who always manages to inspire with not only her knowledge of the English language, but her passion for it’s use. I never fail to learn something from her when she is in this role.
We had a wonderful icebreaker speech from our new member Etienne, who demonstrated a skill set already advanced, in the way he constructed and delivered his speech.
Our other speaker had to drop out at the last minute, so I delivered a humorous speech about driving with a lion in the back of the car, funny and not recommended for health and safety reasons.
Our Table Topics Master Helen, put us through our paces with questions around the theme.
We found out that Deborah connects making sugar mice with bonfire night, that Liz doesn’t like bonfire night as there are many accidents but that she can be won around with a sparkler.
Fran gave us all a great visual of her unattractive dressing gown that she likes to snuggle in when the nights get darker, and Paul prefers Christmas over Halloween as he enjoys the trappings, that can last an entire season.
Ollie gave a great Table Topics evaluation, always a challenge due to the time constraints. Everyone received both commends and recommends which help us all.
The meeting closed with thanks for everyone’s wholehearted participation and we look forward to seeing you all again soon.