Machines that Think?
We had a very lively meeting on Wednesday, 4th September, with over 20 people joining in the fun. There were two Pathways Icebreaker speeches. Christine kicked off the evening with her first speech on Machines that Think? and treated us to an interesting experiment involving the sense of smell. Judith gave her first speech, entitled What do you See? and won best speech of the evening.
Charlie brought music to our ears with his second speech entitled Beats, Rhymes and Life, for the Presentation Mastery Pathway. Oliver gave us ‘food for thought’ with his speech about The Delight of a Chewy Meal. And Dan was presented with the best Evaluator award for the evening.
We then had five excellent table topics from Andrea with speeches from Maria, Sophia, Sam, Sharan and Enroy. Well done to the guests and new members. Maria won best Table Topics speech and is pictured below with Sharan who presented her with the certificate, and Bradley, our President.
Dorothy received her Competent Leadership award and badge and was thanked by the club President for all her hard work as Vice President for Public Relations over the last two years and for setting up and organising club events. She is going to be a tough act to follow!
Come and join us for our next event on Saturday 14th September in Hitchin Market Square between 9am and 2pm. We will be running another Speakers in the Square where you can visit our stall and have a go in public with the mic.
Our next meeting is on Wednesday, 18th September, 7.30pm at the Sun Hotel and will be a contest night. Be great to see you there!