Christmas Party 2018

As ever Christmas parties come early and the same goes for us at North Herts Speakers.  Our party was on the 30th November this year.

People seated at tables for dinner

With guest from  East Herts, Luton, Eldergate, Stevenage and Cornerstones we had a chance to get to know other Toastmasters in our area as well as time to have a chat with members of our own club.


One table of guests

Steve Saunders was our Toastmaster for the evening and we had speeches by Eddie Asquith and Richard Foster Fletcher.  Eddie talked about his experience of Toastmasters and how it has helped him to gain new skills and confidence.

Richard Foster-Fletcher gave us a humorous speech on what it is to be British including a tongue in cheek quiz where he asked us questions about our ridiculous need to be polite at all times, even when it is not appropriate!

Richard Foster-Fletcher doing his speech

Not forgetting the awards.  We were able to present awards to our very new Toastmasters and experienced Toastmasters alike

Ribbons for Ice Breaker Speeches

Award winners

Dorothy Molloy winner of humorous speech competition

Bev also got an award.

Bev Rimmer